Thursday 12 May 2016

Simple shadow puppets

All the children are making some sort of puppet in response to the puppet incursion last term. 
The year threes today worked on making simple shadow puppets. 
The year sixes are making more complex shadow puppets. 
The year threes were required to create a puppet with a contour that was easily recognised.
 They had to cut the shape out carefully and attach it to a satay stick or bendy straw. Some children added props, like this rainbow.
They had to make at least one person and one animal.
In contrast the year sixes were required to plan two human like puppets with at least one articulated joint, a clear but complex contour and a textural component. 
The year threes finished their puppets today and did some writing about the character they created. They also thought about where their character might live so that we can create a landscape painting of the setting for their puppet story.
The year sixes will continue to construct their puppets next week.

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