Beautiful winged bugs and butterflies!
Rooms 8, 9, 13 and 14 have been helping to beautify the studio with a host of lovely mixed media sculptures of butterflies and winged flying insects.
In creating these artworks we discussed the concept of symmetry along a centre line. We also talked about pattern. The children were able to choose weather to make more realistic butterflies or they could create a fantasy flying creature- even and alien winged bug.
Rooms 8 and 9 (year 1) had one 45 minute session to create their insects. The focus was on using the PVA glue effectively. We found pegs were handy to use to hold things together while we waited for the glue to bond.
Rooms 13 and 14 (year 3 and 4) had two one and a half hour sessions and created more complex forms using wire and cellophane structures having a go at one of three techniques demonstrated in order to join the wings to the body or discovering a better one of their own.
These artworks are totally the work of the children - apart from demonstrating different techniques to solve a problem I try not to 'help" kids by doing their work for them. Only when a child has given it a good go first do I lend an extra hand. It is so satisfying to see the kids surprise themselves with their dexterity at a task they had at first attempt given in to.